
My name is Sachchidanand R. Swami or in short Sachin R. Swami. I'm a human behavior researcher, analyst, profiler and the chief writer of this website. I'm one of the very few individuals from India and/or Indian sub-continent to hold two internationally acclaimed human intelligence (humint) certificates, first for the facial micro-expressions detection with Expert level and second for the facial subtle expressions detection with Proficient level.

Also, my main website has been ranked under the (World's) 10 Best Body Language Bloggs and Websites, voted twice by the international readers and subscribers of the world’s one of the most popular news aggregator applications Feedly since August 2021. It has been ranked along with websites and blogs run by Dr. Paul Ekman (Group), Dr. David Matsumoto, Patti Wood and Sir Joe Navarro (my respected guru).

I've a considerable amount of experience in behavioral analysis, behavioral profiling and behavioral prediction by using some of the basic principles, rules and facts about human biology, sociology, physiology, psychology, evolution, neuroscience and environment. Methodological, systematic and thorough analysis is my specialty.

I began exploring, studying, analyzing and profiling human behavior since year 2004 through observing and watching with tribal, rural, urban and metropolitan populations in real-time and through videos. Verbal interactions with people also has been helping me a lot.

"Sachchidanand (himself) wouldn't admit publicly but (according to me) he is one of the world's top 20 nonverbal communication experts."

Mr. David Quine (Former Chief Technology Officer),
Vinebrook Homes LLC, Dayton, OH, USA

Although I've studied, researched and written about different topics of human (social) behavior, body language and nonverbal communication; detecting or picking facial micro-expressions, facial compound expressions, facial subtle-expressions and tiny or subtle variations in well-known, established and recognized cues are my areas of great interest, attention and specialty.

I actively and passionately engage myself in critical case studies, behavioral predictions and personality profiling. Also, I voluntarily, regularly and extensively interact, communicate and share my articles, insights and observations with many academies, institutions, universities, educators, trainers and field experts on a regular basis through email.

Many articles published on this website have been cited (used and mentioned as reference) by students, fellows, faculty members, teachers, lecturers and researchers in their own literature, including Post-Doctoral, Doctoral (Ph. D.), Master and Bachelor thesis, from following universities, academies, institutions, schools and programs:

Many internationally acclaimed, reputed, popular, well-known, best-selling and famous body language experts, behavioral researchers, behavioral profilers, behavioral (meta-)analysts, psychologists, self-help practitioners, bloggers, authors, writers, counselors, instructors, trainers and educators know me and/or follow me in person and/or are connected with me.

Many of them have been duly recognizing and appreciating my insights and observations by replying to emails and commenting on posts on social media, including Mark Bowden and Chase Hughes (Team). This has greatly helped in giving my best every time I convey something to readers about my findings, observations, inputs and insights.

The world's leading, well respected and critically proven Nonverbal Communication expert and my respected guru Sir Joe Navarro (retired special agent, counter-intelligence supervisor and spy-catcher who served in the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) for 25 years) has been a great source of guidance, inspiration and insights.

# Associations, Contributions and Memberships:

1) Former member of Editorial Board for Body Language Journal (India) (presently defunct), between March 2012 to April 2014

2) Former member as Regional Manager (India) and later promoted as International Council Member for Human Behaviour Academy (United Kingdom) (presently defunct), between June 2012 to July 2016

3) Briefly served as Research Study Associate (India) for Institute for Human Origins (IHO) founded by Arizona State University (United States of America), between Mar 2014 to Aug 2014 (Website: https://iho.asu.edu)

4) Present member as Accredited Research Member (India) of IMEXA - The International Micro-Expressionists Association (South Africa) (Website: www.imexa.org)

5) Founder/Creator of the topic Nonverbal Communication on ResearchGate.net, a large and rapidly growing international professional network for scientists and researchers

6) Creator and Administrator of the largest group Body Language and Nonverbal Communication Professionals and Experts on LinkedIn.com, a large international professional network for employers and employees

Perhaps, this is the first ever blogging website being hosted in (American) English, solitarily hosted by an independent Indian, South Asian or Asian researcher. This website is entirely dedicated to and focused on human behavior, facial expressions, body language, social interactions and nonverbal communication with the sole purpose of educating and spreading general awareness.

I've been maintaining this entire website by myself, since its very humble beginning in September 2010. Valuable inputs, topics, clues, insights, observations and suggestions from my very close friends, family members, colleagues, specialists, observers and experts have helped this website in becoming well-known globally and reputed among many, especially the students.

I don't promote, endorse, evaluate, advertise, market, sell, provide and/or play any active part in any (kind of) products, programs, books and courses on-line and/or off-line at present. Still, you can contact me if you want me to write an article to publish in a newpaper or a magazine.

If you're a academic student then you can ask me questions by sending an email. However, I don't allow to publish the answers given by me until it becomes absolutely necessary to do so.

You may contact me through email, add/follow/connect with me on social networks or join my Facebook page.

Please don't forget to follow, connect and subscribe to my different profiles, as following:

1) Email Address: sachchidanand.swami@gmail.com
2) Feedly Page: feedly.com/i/subscription/feed/nonverbal-world.com
3) Blogger Profile: blogger.com/profile/09061016326485377239
4) LinkedIn Profile: in.linkedin.com/in/sachchidanandswami
5) Quora Profile: quora.com/profile/sachchidanand-swami
6) Quora Space: bodylanguageinsights.quora.com
7) Academia Profile: independent.academia.edu/sachchidanandswami
8) Facebook Page: facebook.com/nonverbal.world
9) Twitter/X Profile: @sachchidanandsw (twitter.com/sachchidanandsw)
10) YouTube Profile: youtube.com/@Nonverbal-world
11) Feedburner Page: feeds.feedburner.com/nonverbal-world/GLnj
12) WhatsApp Channel: whatsapp.com/BodyLanguageUpdates

I'm formally educated in Electrical and Software Engineering. I posses working experience of more than 15 years. I'm currently working as a Senior IT/Software Professional with expertise in pattern recognition, robust algorithm development, debugging, troubleshooting, diagnosis and performance optimization.
