Is Steeple pose loosing its relevance? (Article#3)

Elon Musk (Tesla, SpaceX) with steepled fingers

Just like Elon Musk (in the above image), you might have seen a person with steepled fingers during an interview, a presentation or a debate. Although this pose may convey different nonverbal messages, it's broadly signified as authority, confidence or expertise. Also, there're different variations of it e. g. basketball steeple, pistol steeple, diamond steeple etc.

In the conventional steeple pose, a person keeps the fingertips of one hand gently touching or pressing on the fingertips of the other hand. By doing so subconsciously, the person's hands look like a steeple or a tower. In standing or standing position, both hands can be held in front of face, chest, stomach, groin area or even below it.

Although this pose is most prevalent in the north-western hemisphere, it's being observed in the people of the other parts of the world too. Thanks a lot to the print and electronic media! Also, the great influence of (blind) followership, coaching, parenting and/or movies can't at all be denied at the same time.

While spreading wide and beyond, is steeple pose loosing its relevance? Is the pose being misused, overused, overrated or misinterpreted? Let's think about it seriously (just by bringing the steepled fingers closer to the lips), just for a few moments!

Bringing the steepled fingers closer to the lips

Until a decade ago, we used to observe the leaders, experts, pioneers, scientists or specialists (in their respective fields) steepling their fingers sometimes, in an interview, a presentation or a debate. The pose used to justify their power, authority, expertise, confidence, knowledge reputation or achievements.

Nowadays, the same pose is consciously being used as a tactical move to 'express' the high(er) level of confidence in public. Many people are steepling their fingers unreasonably, especially those who lack power, authority, expertise, knowledge, reputation or achievements that other do recognize.

On one hand, this assertive pose is being overused or misused by many. Now, newbies, freshers, amateurs or beginners can be seen sitting or standing with the steepled fingers. They believe that this pose alone gives them an edge or an advantage in the race or competition.

On another hand, the steeple pose is being overrated as an indication of the high(er) level of confidence, especially by those who blindly believe in the show put on by the person. Actually, their steepled fingers can be a sign of arrogance.

Angela Merkel's steeple pose known as Merkel Diamond

In my humble opinion, the 'towering' relevance of the steeple pose or steepled fingers is on decline. Its conscious, unreasonable and wide spread mimicry is the sole culprit.

By the way, is it being misinterpreted too, only as an indication of authority, confidence or expertise? Yes! Absolutely. Is there any good example of it? Yes! Absolutely. There's one best example of it, to share with you.

You'll definitely read it in my first ever book on body language. I've shared the details of my observations and analysis of an old Indian lady's steepled fingers. You'll be surprised by the revelation.


  1. Informative read. Look forward to your book.


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